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6 week 'deep health' transformation challenge

Ok, so this isn’t the first time you’ve seen a fitness brand offering you some kind of generic, easily attainable “complete body transformation”. 


Fair enough, but with that said…


The Hardstyle Strength Academy isn’t any ordinary fitness brand and though the opportunity we’re presenting is most definitely achievable, it is neither generic nor easy!


What we are pleased to provide is a comprehensive 6 week deep health transformation challenge designed with all fitness levels in mind but tailored to each specific student individually.


Like anything of true value, our challenge isn’t easy. It requires you to put in effort and energy. You’ll need to be open-minded, coachable and willing to do things differently. But, if you’re patient and consistent, we guarantee our system will equip each and every student with the methods and tools necessary to ensure their success long-term, or your money back…literally!


Our system incorporates a holistic approach to health and well-being including but not limited to;

- Expert coaching in gold standard strength and conditioning education.

- Progressively challenging training program from beginner to advanced skill levels.

-a home training and recovery guide complete with in-depth video tutorials.

- Unlimited access to group fitness classes and social support from a community of like-minded men and women.

- A comprehensive quick start guide that integrates common sense nutritional guidance such as: portion sizing, food label awareness, fluid intake, non exercise activity protocols and numerous tips for balancing your healthy diet with your fitness routine.


Make the commitment today and dramatically improve the quality of your life. Become lean and strong and achieve long-term results through a safe, fun and progressively challenging strength training program that incorporates Kettlebells and Bodyweight, Calisthenics along with clear and simple nutritional habits that allow you to sustainably build muscle and lose fat.

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